Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Team Learning Model GamesTournament

Team Learning Model GamesTournament (TGT)
Generally TGT same as STAD except for one thing: TGT using academic tournaments, and uses quizzes and individual progress scoring system, where students compete as representatives of their team with other team members that previous academic performance as their equivalent. TGT is very often used and combined with STAD, with a certain structure menambahkanturnamen STAD normally. Description and IGT components are as follows:
a. Presentation in Class
Material in a TGT first introduced in the presentation in the classroom. This is a direct instruction as is often done lessons or discussions led by teachers, but can also include audiovisual presentations. The difference with teaching regular class presentations hanylah that the presentation should really focus on the TGT unit. In this way the students will realize that mreka should really pay attention during class presentations, for then will sngat help them do quizzes, and their quiz scores determine the team score their
b. Team
The team consists of four or five students representing all parts of the class in terms of academic performance, gender, race and ethnicity. The main function of this team is to ensure that all team members really learning more and more especially to prepare its members to be able to do the quiz as well. Having assembled a team of teachers delivering the material to study the activity sheets or other materials. Most commonly, it involves discussion of issues of learning together, membandigkan answers and correct any errors of understanding if there are team members who make mistakes.
Tim is the most important features in the TGT. At each point, which is pressed to make the team members do their best for the team, and the team must do their best to help anggotannya. This team provides support groups for academic performance is important in learning, and it is paying attention and respk the mutual dihasikan peting for effects such as inter-group relations, self esteem, acceptance of mainstream students
c. Games
In IGT gaming consists of questions that are relevant content and is designed to test students' knowledge gained from the presentations in class and the implementation of teamwork. Games are played on a table with three students, each representing a different team. Most games in the form of numbers written questions on the same sheet. A student taking a numbered cards stated on the card. A rule of penanyang allow the players to challenge each other their respective answers.
d. Tournament
Turanamen is a structure in which the game takes place. Usually take place on weekends or end of the unit, after the teacher gave a presentation in class and group work the team has been carrying out activities against the sheets. In the first tournament, teachers appoint students to be on the table tournaments, the first of three high-achieving students in table 1, the next three in table 2, and so on. The competition is balanced, like the scoring system of individual progress in STAD, allowing students of all levels of performance previously contributed the maximum to score their team if they do their best.
After the first tournament, the students will exchange table depending on their performance in the tournament final. The winner at each table "level up" to the next higher table, the score remained tingal teringgi both the same desk, and the lowest score "derived". This way, if at first the students are misplaced, for so they will be increased or dirueunkan until they reach their level of performance that seungguhnya.
e. Recognition Team
The team will receive a certificate or other form of pengargaan when the average score they achieve certain criteria. Team scores the student may also be used to determine the twenty percent of their ratings.
a. Material
TGT same curriculum materials with STAD, except as necessary to prepare the cards numbered from number one to thirty for every three children.
b. Placing students in teams
In menmpatkan be some students in our team can follow the steps beruikut this:
• Copying a summary sheet of the team.
Make copies of the summary sheet for each team of four students in a classroom.
Arrange student rankings.
On a sheet of paper, make the order perigkat students in one of teringgi kelasdari served until the lowest. Use of any information being owned to do this; test scores are the best, the quality of each - each is also good, but using self-assessment is also not what - what. Indeed Afak difficult to rank correctly, but do the best I could do.
• Decide on the number of teams.
Each team must consist of four members if possible. To determine how many teams will be formed, the number of students in class divided by four, the quotient is of course the team of four people. For example, in the classroom there are 32 people, then it will form eight teams, each consisting of four people. If the division is not fulfilled, students may be numbered one, two, or three people. Furthermore, there will be a five-member team.
• Distribute the students into teams
In dividing students into teams, in order to balance the team:
1. Each team consists of kinerjannya levels ranged from a low, medium and tinngi
2. Level of performance that are of all the teams in the class should be equal.
Use the ranking of students based on kinerjannya, distributed letters to each team of students. For example the eight teams in the class we use the letters A through H.
c. Placing students into the tournament table
Make a copy sheet placement of the tournament table. On the sheet the students fill out roster from top to bottom in order of student performance, use the same rank as that will be used to form a team. Calculate the number of students in the classroom. If the amount discharged in for three, all tables will have three participants turanamen, tunujuklah first three students from the list to, occupy the table 1, the next table 2, and so on. If there are students who left after divided by three, one or two tables of the first tournament will consist of four participants. For example, a class with 29 students has a nine-table tournament, two diantarannya will have four members. Four students from the list peringkatakan placed first in the table 1, and the next four on the table 2, and each of the three people remaining on the other tables. Determination of the table number is just for the kids table, sebutkah tables as a table of blue, red, green and so on in a random sequence so that students will not know how compilers of the placement of the table.
d. Start a Tournament
In the early period of the game, announce the placement of the tournament table and ask them to move and arrange tables together. Acaklah the numbers so that students do not know where the table top or bottom of the table and ask one student to share one game sheet, one sheet of answers, one square and one number card game score sheet on each table.
To start the games or, students draw cards to determine the first reader that is interesting the highest number. The game takes place according to the time starting from the first reader.
The first reader shuffles the cards and take the top card. He then read aloud the questions relating to the existing number on the card, ermasuk choice answers, if because of multiple choice. Readers who are not sure of the answer are allowed to guess without sanctions. If the content in these games involve problems, all students must work on those problems so that they are ready to be challenged. Once the reader to give an answer, students are right there on the left atay have the option to challenge and give a different answer to the first participant. If he wants to pass, or when penanantang both have different answers to the first two participants, then the challenger may challenge the second. However, opponents should be careful because they have to return the cards that have previously won into the box (if any) if the answer they give salah.Apabila all participants have an answer, challenged, will pass the question, the second challenger (or participants in right of the reader) to check the answers and read the correct answers with keras.Si yan players who give correct answers will save kartunya.Jika two challengers gave the correct answer will keep his card. If the challenger gave jawababan wrong, he must return the card that has been won (if any) into the books.
For the next round, all are stir one position to the left, the first challenger to the reader, the second challenger became the first challenger, and the reader both opponents. The game continues, seperyi predetermined by the teacher, until the class period has ended or the box is empty.
Rules permaianan TGT
- Take a numbered card and look for problems associated with the number on the sheet permaianan
- Read the question aloud
- Try to answer
Challenger 1
- Challenging if he wants to (and about providing a different answer) or may pass through
Challenger 2
- Allow a challenge if the challenger passed and if he wants. If all the challengers have challenged or passed, penantnag 2 check the answer sheet. Anyone who answer correctly the right to keep his card. If the reader is wrong, no sanctions, but if the challenger is wrong then he must return the cards that have been won into kotok, if any.
- To round berikutnys, everything moves one position to the left: a reader's first challenger, challenger challenger 1 and 2 into the reader into the second challenger.
e. Menentukam team scores
Immediately after the tournament is completed, determine the score of the team and prepare the team for giving recognition certificate to the team's highest scorers. To do this we first must examine the points tournament of each student to the games or score sheet.
f. Recognizing Achievement Team
As in STAD, here also provide three levels of awards, which are based on the average score of the team.
Criteria (average - team rat) Awards
40 good team
45 The team is very good
Super 50 Team

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